Botany - (ebook) - IPM Series Houseplants

2024-11-24 2 1 33.55KB 4 页 4.9玖币
Educating People To Help Themselves
Home & Garden Mimeo # HG60 IPM Series: Houseplants
Local Governments - U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating
The University of Maryland is equal opportunity. The University’s policies, programs, and activities are in conformance with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimi-
nation regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, and disability. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended: Title IX of the Educational
Amendments; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; or related legal requirements should be directed to the Director of Personnel/Human
Relations, Office of the Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Symons Hall, College Park, MD 20742.
Symptoms Possible Causes Controls/Comments
Overwatering or lack of water: overwatering can
cause root rots. Healthy roots should be light
colored and firm.
Various root rots: pull plant out of the pot and
observe roots for discoloration. Diseased roots
will appear dark and soft.
Stem cankers: discolored areas on stem.
Aphids: small soft bodied insects found on leaves,
stems and flower buds.
Spider mites: minute pests that feed on lower leaf
surfaces, webbing may be visible.
Mealybugs: white cottony insects.
Whiteflies: adults are tiny white insects that fly
from the plants when disturbed. Immature stages
found on lower leaf surfaces.
Brown soft scale and hemispherical scale: raised
black or brown bumps on leaves and stems.
Root rots: discolored and softened roots.
High soluble salts
Excessive light or sunburn
Spider mites: minute pests that feed on lower leaf
surfaces, webbing may be visible.
Water spots, sunburn, various fungi, bacteria.
Cold Injury: symptoms may continue for up to a
week after exposure.
Use a well drained, peat based potting media.
Severely damaged plants should be discarded.
Remove diseased plants from their pots, cut out
infested portions (rotten), and replant remaining
healthy sections. Take cuttings and root them in
sterile potting mix.
Prune out affected areas.
Regularly rinse plants with water to keep down
pest problems. Use a registered houseplant spray
to control pests. Plants damaged by heavy insect
or mite feeding can be injured by insecticidal
sprays. Severely damaged plants should be
discarded. Remove diseased plants from their pots,
cut out portions (rotten), and replant remaining
healthy sections. Take cuttings and root them in
sterile potting mix.
Leach soil at least three times with pot volume of
fresh water
Acclimate plants slowly to higher light intensities.
Regularly rinse plants with water to keep down
spider mite problems. Use a registered houseplant
spray to control mites. Plants damaged by heavy
mite feeding can be injured by insecticidal sprays.
Severely damaged plants should be discarded.
Remove spotted leaves and improve air circulation
for leaf diseases.
Protect plants from temperatures below 50° F.
Plant wilting
Leaf yellowing, foliage
fades, yellows browns
or wilts
Bleached or whitened
Fine stippling
Leaf spots and leaf
Leaf or shoot
Botany - (ebook) - IPM Series Houseplants.pdf


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分类:外语学习 价格:4.9玖币 属性:4 页 大小:33.55KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-24


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