Eleanor Arnason - The Warlord of Saturn's Moons
9 页
Here I am, a silver-haired maiden lady of thirty-five, a feeder of stray
cats, a window-ledge gardener, well on my way to the African violet and
antimacassar stage. I can see myself at fifty, fat and a little crazy, making
cucumber sandwiches for tea, and I view my future with mixed feelings.
Whatever became of my childhood ambitions: joining the space patrol;
winning a gold medal at the Olympics; climbing Mount Everest alone in
my bathing suit, sustained only by my indomitable will and strange
psychic arts learned from Hindu mystics? The saddest words of tongue or
pen are something-or-other what might have been, I think. I light up a
cigar and settle down to write another chapter of The Warlord of Saturn’s
Moons. A filthy habit you say, though I’m not sure if you’re referring to
smoking cigars or writing science fiction. True, I reply, but both activities
are pleasurable, and we maiden ladies lead lives that are notoriously short
on pleasure.
So back I go to the domes of Titan and my redheaded heroine
deathraying down the warlord’s minions. Ah, the smell of burning flesh,
the spectacle of blackened bodies collapsing. Even on paper it gets a lot of
hostility out of you, so that your nights aren’t troubled by dreams of
murder. Terribly unrestful, those midnight slaughters and waking shaking
in the darkness, your hands still feeling pressure from grabbing the victim
or fighting off the murderer.
Another escape! In a power-sledge, my heroine races across Titan’s
methane snow, and I go and make myself tea. There’s a paper on the
kitchen table, waiting to tell me all about yesterday’s arsons, rapes and
bloody murders. Quickly I stuff it into the garbage pail. Outside, the sky is
hazy. Another high-pollution day, I think. I can see incinerator smoke
rising from the apartment building across the street, which means there’s
no air alert yet. Unless, of course, they’re breaking the law over there. I
fling open a cabinet and survey the array of teas. Earl Grey? I ponder, or
Assam? Gunpowder? Jasmine? Gen Mai Cha? Or possibly an herb tea:
sassafras, mint, Irish moss or mu. Deciding on Assam, I put water on,
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属性:9 页